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Friday, October 8, 2010

How 'bout a Plan?

 Alright, things seem to just be getting worse and worse. I keep starting up games in the middle of playing others, and I got a handful of new ones for my birthday, making it almost impossible to sit down and complete a single title. That's why I need some help.

 I'm wondering if there might be some plan or something I can enforce upon myself. Like, "complete a game per week", or "X amount of games per month"... I dunno, something like that. So far, I've pretty much done awfully. I keep starting a game, and then I start another, and another... I have so many games I'm playing now, I'd have lost track if I didn't keep a list of my active games on this blog. Yikes.

 I'm asking for advice. Does anyone have an idea for what would be reasonable, steady pace to complete games? I could really use your input! Thanks!


  1. I find myself running into the same problem more and more. I never seem to have as much time to dedicate to gaming as I'd like, and the time that I do spend gaming is often spread out over 5+ active games such that I can't seem to make a lot of tangible progress in a single sitting.

    Recently I've tried using backloggery.com to sort through my active titles and use their "fortune cookie" option to choose one to play for me, because I honestly am terrible at making decisions, even for something as seemingly simple as "what do I feel like playing right now?"

    As a "soft" rule for myself, I try not to have more than one active game per system at any given time unless I have a good reason: right now, for example, I'm alternating between Pokémon White and Dragon Quest IX for the DS. I started Etrian Odyssey III when that came out, too, but eventually convinced myself, "No, I need to wait until I at least make it through more of DQIX."

    It still doesn't work 100% of the time (especially since there are times where I'll just decide, "I really don't feel like playing any of my current games right now. I guess let's try ____, instead") but it at least sort of helps. But then, I'm also super interested to see what other responses you get to this as well, since it's something I suffer from as well. >_>

  2. Hmm, to be honest I'm probably not much help since I actually have a lot of time and can basically put on a game whenever I feel like it, so I don't necessarily *need* to plan. But, I certainly know what you mean. I would probably base any "plan" around clusters of games. Like, put together a small group of games and say "Ok, in 4wks I'll complete, a DS puzzler, an Xbox Arcade game, and an RPG of your choice".. so that way you don't have to feel as if you MUST play that game when you don't fancy it.

    The idea is that you might have one that suits your mood every day.. Like, some days I want to geek out and sit all day playing puzzlers on the Xbox, others I want to curl up in bed with the DS with something. I can't constrain myself to one game, so I'd probably take the broader approach.. after all the game is there to be enjoyed (sorry for being Captain Obvious there xD) and it would be a shame to schedule it too rigidly. :3

    I have no freaking schedule. xD If I feel like playing Xbox I'll look through our off-the-shelf games, maybe try Beautiful Katamari before throwing the controller, picking it back up gingerly and re-playing one of my over-9000 XBLA games. xDD Or playing Picross 3D, or Trauma Centre, or Solitaire for the millionth time. Heck, I think I am OCD in my recreational habits..

  3. In my absolute lack of television for the past seven years, I've come to tend to fill that void with video games. I'll play a game until I'm interested in something else, then I'll play that, and so on. I never really worry about finishing them, it's the playing that counts as making a good use of my time. Sometimes I even try to procrastinate on finishing games because I like them too much to let them end.
