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Friday, August 13, 2010

The Beginning

 Well, here it is. The start of a silly idea I had to make a gaming blog has finally come to be, albeit rather plain and simple, at the moment. I'll worry about cosmetics later, I suppose.

 Anyhoo, the idea is for me to blog about my gaming experiences and opinions, whether bitchy, insightful, or just plain pointless. It's also to encourage myself to fulfill the goal of completing a massive list of games I made as a resolution back in 2007. Yeah, yeah... that sounds rather ridiculous, I know. But hey, some people have a list of to-dos, a list of books to read, or movies to see. I have a list of games to beat. Geeks are cool, too... right?

 If you haven't already assumed, I play a lot of games. Board games, video games, card games... I love gaming. I love the interaction with others it brings; I love the way it allows us to drift off into a fantasy world and forget the horrors of cubical life or nagging relatives for a brief moment in time. Gaming plays a huge role in my life, and surprisingly, I have games to thank for the best friends I've made in my short lifetime.

 Unfortunately, games don't seem to love me back (especially when I find myself screaming at the television when playing Mega Man II, which seemed so much easier when I was six). In fact, most gamers don't, either.

 The video gaming world, much like the rest of it, is rather biased toward a certain demographic: the heterosexual. Not only do video games not have content appealing toward my particular sexual preference, gamers also tend to not be very welcome to those of us who are open about our sexuality. Often, we get compared to female gamers, who stereotypically are "less skilled" and "not as hardcore" at gaming than men are (which, from personal experience, is incredibly false. I've had my arm bludgeoned by a GameCube controller-wielding madwoman during a game of Mario Party. Seemed pretty hardcore to me), and get shunned and flamed from all directions. Getting called a fag in a match of League of Legends, for instance, prompts me to respond with "Why yes. Yes, I am.", leading to an onslaught of anti-gay slander. Lovely, huh? Now, I'm not saying that all gamers are like that, but... the vast majority, at least. For sure.

 Rant aside, gay nerds exist. We love techy stuff, we loves games, anime, and whatnot. And you know what? We're no lesser than the lot of ya! I'm here to prove that yeah, just because I love the color pink, worship Lady Gaga as if she were a goddess and believe Princess Peach should be the star of her own video game series, it doesn't mean I'm not a "real" gamer.

So yeah. It begins. I hope you all enjoy my gaming misadventures as much as I'll have fun ranting about them.


  1. Why do you worship Lady Gaga?


    Problem, officer?

  3. Hey, to be fair, I have a massive crush on Lady Gaga too, and not JUST because I really really want her to take a ride on my disco stick.
